March 14 – 16, 2025
Art in the Vineyard – Group exhibition

Cloister of Sant’Elena, Venice

From March 14 to 16, 2025, a group exhibition of the works participating in the ex tempore painting and photography event held on 10/27/2024 on St. Michael’s Island will be held in the Cloister of St. Helen’s Church, Venice.

Reclaiming vineyards, safeguarding a tradition
and protect an original and almost unknown landscape,
revealing the hidden city-countryside relationship of Venice.


With the collaboration of friends hosts, sommeliers and winemakers, “Laguna nel Bicchiere – Le vigne ritrovate” was born, a cultural association that aims to discover forgotten realities and territories, to preserve traditions, handing them down to young …

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The many activities of l’associazione Laguna nel bicchiere (The Lagoon in a Glass Association), are not only aimed at enhancing the products of the lagoon…

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The Vineyards

The Harvest

The Cellar


Videos and Photos