Laguna nel bicchiere – Le vigne ritrovate (Lagoon in a Glass – The Rediscovered Vineyards) is a Non-Profit Association with Cultural and Social Objectives
It proposes to:
- preserve and enhance the products of the lagoon area such as wines, vegetables, oil, fish, game, etc.,
- organise events by promoting the collection and tasting of wines produced from vinification carried out with ancient and natural methods and predominantly from locations such as convents, gardens and territories of the Lagoon,
- • undertake the recovery of abandoned vineyards to experiment with grape production and traditional winemaking practices, classifying and identifying the vineyards to activate a real census, coordinating, promoting and improving small productions,
- stabilire relazioni, esperienze e collaborazioni con scuole, associazioni, enti locali, istituzioni pubbliche e private del territorio disponibili a condividere con noi le finalità e le esperienze proposte;
- contribute with our objectives and initiatives to defend the landscape to promulgate the idea of “Parco della Laguna” (Park of the Lagoon).